Quarry Tours

Quarry Tours

Educational Visits and Guided Tours

Visit to a Purbeck Dimension Stone Quarry

For many years now Suttles have provided guided tours of their Purbeck Stone Quarries in Swanage, Dorset. The tours are of a working Purbeck Dimension Stone Quarry.

Purbeck stone is used as a building stone, and the cut stone may be polished to provide a beautiful gloss finish comparable to a polished marble, but showing the millions of fossil shells.

The visit lasts about 1 hour and can encompass other related topics as well as the extraction and working of stone.

Health and Safety is of paramount importance and safety helmets are issued to each member of the party.

If we have recently had rain then wellington boots and waterproof coats are encouraged.

The geology of the area and the formation of the Purbeck beds can be covered, as well as land usage, reclamation and the ensuing changing patterns of the flora. Questions are encouraged at all stages which can be as diverse as planning issues, production information or fossil remains.

The tour party will be taken to a vantage point where it is possible to see Purbeck Stone being sawn by the large diamond bladed sawing machines and the extraction of stone. You will be able to see the finished products and our local fossil finds.

It would be very helpful if the areas that you wish to be covered were notified before the visit takes place, also the age range would also be an advantage.

For bookings or for further information please telephone 01929 439444

Or e-mail us at info@suttles.co.uk